We offer customized pricing to Acute (Hospitals, Labs) and Non-Acute (Physician offices, UC, ASC, LTC, Labs) medical facilities, healthcare manufacturers, kit assemblers, and distributors.
Register for an account here. Once you have registered, one of our account representatives will review and approve your account, generally within 24-48 hours. Upon approval, you will receive an email from UniflexHealthcare.com confirming your approval and prompting you to set your secure password for your account. If you believe you did not receive an approval email, please check your spam or junk folder on your email account.
Yes you can. Our online site is integrated with your existing offline account. To access your online account, go to https://www.uniflexhealthcare.com/my-account/ and login. If you have not received an email prompting you to do so, set your password here: Reset Password
Generally, our review process takes 24-48 hours. Upon approval, you will receive an email from UniflexHealthcare.com confirming your approval and prompting you to set your secure password for your account.
If you want to buy any of our products offline, please call 1-800-223-0564 and one of our customer service representatives will be happy to assist you.
We accept Visa, MasterCard, American Express and purchase orders/
UniflexHealthcare.com offers UPS Freight by default, but our online store also allows you to bill your shipping to your own FedEx or UPS account at checkout.
If you have an issue accessing your online store account, please use this page to request assistance. To contact a customer service representative, please call us at 1-800-223-0564.